What is Love?

a poem by Vishal Singhal

Love is a soft drop of ocean.
Love is a great style who’s get up is heard and shining on face.
Love is the best gift two hearts can share.
Love is a single soul that dwells in two bodies.
Love is the silent language of the heart.
Love is like a jewel – precious and rare.
Love is an object and religion too.
Love is a heaven and hell too.
Love is a thirst and feeling too.
Love is an excitement and prayer too.
Love is a softly flower and missing too.
Love is willingness and have too.
Love is a land and moral too.
Love is a practice and prayer too.
Love is a game and pain too.
Love is a fraud and believeness too.
Love is a promise and custom too.
Love is a soul and angle too.
Love is limitless and bankless too.
Love is unlimited, continuous and softness too.
No end of love and no target too.
Love! Only Love! Love!.No more of Love.