My Darling…
My lips are warm, intimate
And long to soak your lips
And get drunk on the wine
Of your intensity…
My arms open wide
Like a eager gate to
Hug you and caress
You and remain clung
For a passionate melting
Of time…
Yes my lover I long
To drink in your lyrical
Yes I would like to
Yield myself to you
As tenderly as I write
A poem, as softly
As a stream that
Trickles along
The mountain slopes…
Yes my darling,
I would love to feel
The mounts of your
Rich passionate fruit…
Taste them like nectar
With passionate hunger…
Yes I long for your sweet lilies
That have awakened meadows…
How I long to graze on their
Pastures loving and hearing
You sound the music of ecstasy…