Paper Love

a poem by Elaine E. Howie

I woke up this morning to the mailman at my door
He was there to serve me with my divorce
I was shocked and somewhat amazed
Even though I hadn’t seen this fool in days

No clue to anything being wrong
Yes there was an ‘I love you’ last week on the phone
I rushed to shower and got dressed
I had missed something I guess

It all started about 2 years ago
I was in the club dancing on the floor
His eyes met mine and we continue the flow
Right away he sent flowers to me after the show

I could not believe this could happen to me
For I am so fine and intelligent and my love, I gave freely
He was a mere nothing with my heart in his pocket
I am the one who taught him how to read the stock market

Yes I am going to take care of this paper
Going to see my lawyer and he will be left with the vapors
You see I’ve got a few friends
That has waited for this paper love to end