I See Love!

a poem by Christuraj Alex

I see nothing else but love and only love.

In making, God has put in me his heart of love.
My birth on earth is an enormous part of love.
My existence, amidst odds, is an art of love.
Each minute of my growth is a process of love!

Each person in everyday life I see is love.
Every work I perform, I do so with great love.
Each word I utter is an expression of love.
In each thing, like honey and bee, is mingled, love!

In selfishness is hidden true craving of love.
In any squabble is buried de-link of love.
Power complex is an implicit lack of love.
Every action springs from the deepest root of love!

Does anyone punish one’s child with no true love?
Doesn’t friendly care portray diligence of love?
Doesn’t each ethical thought overflow with love?
Don’t philosophies, theologies theme up love?

What creature of nature does ever fail to love?
What fly or bee or beetle does not fall in love?
What elements of the cosmos work with no love?
And what’s existence with no real spice of love?