Unto the last horizon

a poem by Sindhu Sreekumar

I can see my veins
running through the body
from the point they start.
The nerves, my brain!.
I can see all pictures that pass through.
I feel the breath on my face.
Don’t I hear a cricket
and the fan?
Bzzz! There goes a fly.

And I still see all the pictures
through the transparency of my body
and the opaqueness of my body
unto that last horizon
where no horizon remains.
I go!
Not like a man
not like a woman.
A body, mangled up nerves go.
Where spongy clouds float,
and the colours mingle,
fade away
darken dissolves, diffuse disperse
like waves.
Don’t I hear a cricket
and the fan?
Bzzz!. There goes a fly!

‘Sum up, subtract’
That may be the mathematics teacher.
He taught me fear and logic.
I wander
(2) (5) (4) (0)
buzzes around me,
loosing away.
Do I hear a cricket
and the fan?
Bzzz!. There goes a fly!

I lost my way once,
I was four then; no, three!
My mom found me
brought me back
I lost my way once,
once more and
Mom tried again.but…
Mangled up nerves,
A body transparent and opaque!
not man, not woman,
a horizon without limit!
Do I hear a cricket and the fan?
Bzzz!..There goes a fly!