No colors except black and white…

a poem by Shashi Krishna

The sky is white and the roads are black,
As black as black as black,
His face is white and his coat is black,
Under the merciless winter attack.
It’s time to shiver and a time to smoke,
Cold fumes of air from within,
His watch his white and it’s strap is black,
Towards a hazy summer grin.
His socks are white and his shoes are black,
Carrying him everywhere,
His vision is white but his thoughts are black,
Aimlessly on the road to nowhere.
The snow is white and the clouds are black,
A strange atmosphere around,
Feeling the blood rush to his eyes,
Of the cruel solitude he has found.
He walks away into the horizon
Not knowing where he first began,
Lost in white and in search of black,
A song “Once a river ran.”
He finds himself back in his neighborhood,
Familiar faces are back,
Their teeth is white while their lips are black,
At him with the love they lack.
It hits him then that he walked in a circle,
Not knowing he was such a jack,
He smiles at the wonder called life,
Within him is a tinge of deep dark black.