Do men live sunny open life from dusk to dawn in the world?
It is not the same life for all in the world from dusk to dawn;
Corruption in all walks of life goes on from dawn to dusk; and
Sexual crimes and violence go on from dusk to dawn non-stop!
Like the nocturnal animals hunt the preys in the forests
Mercenaries of war murder men for money in the world!
Like the ghosts, Dracula and vampires who lead night life
Many live under the shadow of others sucking their blood!
All these dark activities go on after dusk and die away at dawn!
But as gambler among gamblers and thieves among thieves spies
In the shadow of dark unearth the crimes to punish them at dawn!
Crime thriller novels and movies we all know really happen in life!
The causes of crimes are poverty, exploitation and revenge often
That transforms men into criminals who hunt men from dusk to dawn!
So, never one should be afraid of poverty believing it to be invincible
And search for what one is best at to exploit it for one’s upliftment.
Never should one forget that there is a thing called talent
Which everyone can develop and use for survival in the world
And gain name, fame, position and possession with honour!
Then there won’t be horrible night mares but only sweet dreams!