A day not like yesterday

a poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

It had stopped raining two hours ago,
fields and lanes were drying in the sun,
only rainwater remained
in an old boot in a ditch (didn’t find the other one)
a stray dog puts his nose into it,
find it of little interest.
I looked too and could see white clouds on a blue sky.
Next to the boot an apple with a worm in it,
must have been thrown there by a passing car.
Since I don’t like apples with worms
and have two legs
I left the things alone
and soldiered on with a stick to find gold,
because I had seen, when it rained,
a little rainbow over the ditch.
The stray helped me look too,
only it didn’t know what I was looking for,
yet it enjoyed the hunt,
it wasn’t alone anymore
and I had someone to talk to.
A farmer walked passed shaking his head,
thought we’re dirt poor,
the dog and I ignored him
and the day kept rolling on.