Openly her smiles are beautiful flowers
Inviting handsome bees to suck honey!
Even the harsh summer is not as hot as
The kissing eyes that burn the hearts!
So say many a poetic lover in many a lyric
While longing for their priceless love!
But whether woman is wooing man or
Man is wooing woman is the question!
Man’s life cannot become complete without
The inclusion of woman in the world life;
So, the better half should not become bitter half
If the bittersweet life should be a beautiful one!
For, without sexual fulfilment man cannot
Achieve spiritual fulfilment in the world!
Also, without the company of man and woman
There is no safety and completion in life!
Man and woman are made for each other
To play their roles by Nature in the world;
To know the self and for salvation one needs
Another soul as life partner till one departs life.
As flowers women are born to charm and attract men
By their beauty, kindness, care, talk and act in life.
As multicoloured flowers attract by their beauties
Men are loved by women for their valour and worth.
To know the in and out of man woman is needed
And for safety of woman man is certainly needed;
So, women woo men like birds and flowers do
And men long for their love to achieve laurels!
Hence women woo men naturally, since
They are born to woo men in the world life!
Only mutual love between man and woman
Makes life merry if they wish for married life!