The world lives in justice.
The hungry child crawling on the street,
Laying aside pride – not knowing what pride means,
Holding out her hand
For a morsel of life-saving, but ever-eluding food,
Starving eyes stare searchingly into the darkness,
While the girl at home
Sneaks her lunch into the dustbin,
Because she can’t possibly eat more.
The world lives in justice.
The young scientist, who,
In a spark of genius,
Found the answer the world had been looking for.
Still struggling for wealth and fame,
While the thief basks in glory.
The world lives in justice.
The soldier who marched a hundred miles,
Across the parched throat of the desert…
Who bore the heat and the pain,
For the cold reward of death.
The politician sits in cushioned comfort,
Smiling with sweet taste of victory.
The world lives in justice.
The labourer stumbling
Under the burden of toil,
All rights snatched away…
All that remains is a servile mind
And body. Ploughing the field
While the master reaps the gain.
The world lives in justice.
God lives in justice.