Rats, Cats, Dogs and People

a poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

If I were a dog
I would try to walk on my hind legs,
Wear sunglasses and hide my fur under a dark suit.
I may not get away with it,
But be respected as a half human
And not an animal doomed to servitude.

However, if I were a cat
I would do nothing of the kind,
I’ll take abode in an old house,
Pretend to be mans best friend
But avoid them most times
And treat them with the usual scorn
I have for the two-legged race.

If I were a rat
I would live in fear
Of my twin brother, man,
Who has condemned me to live in a sewer
Only because I’m too like them and
They fear that I might take over
The world!
And one-day I will.