Moon Landing (a fairy-tale)

a poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

A Jumbo jet got lost, landed on the side
of the moon, where pink bananas grow.
Its pilot became a king since he had
the nicest uniform, white wavy hair which
women found irresistible charming and made
him look like a hero of the economy class.
The co-pilot, who was going bald long before
his time, protested strongly but was told to
shut up or risk losing his uniform, the dark
blue one with three golden stripes, only
one less than the captain’s.

They lived and loved contented till they
ran out of pink bananas and depressed
committed mass suicide by jumping
off the moon. Only the children that had
been born in years of plenty stayed behind,
not knowing of another moon they planted
pink shoots, hunted rats that had hidden
and escaped from the plane’s hold and grown
to the size of man shy donkeys. Built neat,
little houses too, mowed red lawns and
loved each when the world was full.