I have a dream

a poem by Pramila Toppo V

Hi! This is me and welcome to my life,
I am 38, single and am no bodies’ wife;
But my life is wonderful,
There are so many thing so beautiful;
Let me tell you about them,
Which in my life are my gem.

I live on a moritioun island,
Just by the end of the land;
My house is on the beach,
The sound of each wave dose reach;
It is a small cottage,
Far from the worlds rage.

In front, I have a lovely garden,
It is as dear to me as to a lioness, its den;
It is a small two bed roomed house,
Inside which there are no mouse;
As I walk in I hear the sweet music of the many wind chimes,
Which remind me of the nursery rhymes.

In my library I have many books,
And I am the one who cooks;
In my kitchen all things are neatly kept,
For my maid had just swept;
There on the table is my favorite coffee mug,
and on the floor a beautiful rug.

There is also a glass vase,
Always full of flowers;
I have a phone, a music system, and all the other things essential,
And the place is also pretty residential;
I go to work in my car,
A kindergarten not really far.

There were so many men who wanted to marry me,
But I refused coz, I hadn’t yet forgotten him you see;
As I returned from the market,
I hear a huge a racket;
I saw the thing fall of the rack,
I woke up only to find myself 20 years back.