For the love of…

a poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

The Greek coast guard arrested me off the coast of Athens
for frolicking with a dolphin.
The harbour master said
my behavior was a sin against god,
but he was wrong our love was innocent and pure.
The animal rights activists would hear none of it
said that I had exploited a dolphin’s good-natured trust in man.
In a sealed wagon
that reeked of dried codfish
I was sent me back to Norway
where sneering editors wrote and said
I had brought shame on their country.
The immigration refused to hand over my passport
so that I could seek milder, friendlier shores.
With a frostbitten soul
I walk in Oslo’s slushy streets,
my heart pines for the love of a sweet dolphin.

The lady dolphin, however,
is famous now
sad eyed swims amongst bathers
I know she is looking for me.