So near and yet so far

a poem by Aswini Mishra

I was so close to my goal,
But I faltered, and the pain is ripping apart my soul.
The cup of nectar has been snatched from my lips,
All I see around is darkness, like a solar eclipse.
I was so close to the victory line,
But now someone else has the victory that was to be mine!
And I lay grovelling on the ground,
Hearing the world’s jeers and humiliating sounds.
And now I have to answer the world’s questions,
They want results, my hard work and pain they don’t want me to mention.
Sweet success, shall I ever taste thee?
Or is failure my ultimate destiny?
Oh, to be so near and yet so far!
Now all I can do is sob and get drunk at a local bar.
It’s easy for you to sit and say encouraging things,
But I am the eagle who has lost his wings.