If I Lost You

a poem by Elaine E. Howie

If I lost you this world would cease to be
The beauty of my heart and soul for me
If I lost you a change would have to come
I’d pray for the rain and throw rocks at the sun

I say if I lost you the core of my heart would be gone
If I lost you for the hard times I would long
If I lost you I would leave the air I breathe
For loosing you would be all I could see

Yes, if I lost you I could no longer look forward
For there would be emptiness to look toward
If I lost you I could not even raise my voice
To speak of my loss would not be my choice

If I lost you death would become my dream
If I lost you life would not be at all what it means
If I lost you I would commit all of the sins
If I lost you it would be the loss of my best friend

I would be a needless whisper for
The End