Broken Heart

a poem by Ramya R

The look in your eyes, I will never forget
Our souls spoke through eyes
That warm response, that friendly approach
It was look that pierced through my heart

Like an empty bud I was
You made me bloom into flower
You taught the way of life to me
You taught me how to laugh

Your very presence lit up my face
I was like moon in sun’s daze
You bought a glow in my eyes
And charm to my face

Every now and then, I turn my head
To see you calling me with a smile
You reached out for me when I was sad
Ah! You have left when needed most

The look in your eyes made me delighted
But now you have left my heart shattered
With no one to live for, care for
I am now a faded flower

Oh! Why did you love me?
Why did you leave me?
My heart is crying
It’s aching and paining

I wanted to curse you
But my heart is not responding
I want to hate you
But my will is not obeying

I was a bee, searching for dew
The glimpse of it I got
But oh! The dew dried away
Before I reached the flower

Why did you choose me, Oh! Mistrusted one?
I cry now with a load of ton
My eyes are searching only you
My ears are seeking voice of yours

The blood is oozing through my heart
My heart is weeping through my eyes
Does this mean anything to you?
Oh! How much I trusted you

In vain hope do I reside
That you will come again
Bring back the glow to my eyes
And charm in my face