Divine Rules

a poem by Rafel Michael

Looking beyond the sky
In my old days
I saw some shining stars
Crawling in the atmosphere
Appears and disappears quite often

It appeared and disappeared
In a lightening speed
And all of sudden
A thunder stroke followed
Took that stars away from my sight

When the burning sun cleared his way
For the darkened sky
And the black clouds pulled down his curtain
On the surface of the brighter sky
Then nothing was visible in my naked eyes

The glimpse of stars
Never was so easy
Let me wait till the cloud makes its way
For the little shining stars

The drizzle that followed
Washed the earth all its dirt
But for me it was the tears of the sky
Reminding me as the little stars gone for ever

Looking beyond the sky
I never saw again the shining stars

Many years gone by since then
The little stars never appeared
The sky rubbed off its black face
During the day
And decorated with many of its stars
During the night
But I never saw those little shining stars
In our midst
And their divine appearance never occurred

After decades of search for these little stars
I pacified my anxiety unto myself
Which was after my education
Good old days never reappear
But what little light it showed me
It should be followed
To reach me to the path of those little stars
It’s not so easy to shine in the sky like that little stars
But It’s easy to follow their path

What my teachers taught me
And guided me to the path of those shinning stars
To follow them was a very beautiful experience
Those good souls who lived in our midst
Sacrificed their life for us
And to reach into their sanctum sanctorum
Should be my motto by following their path
They Guide us to nobility for all humanity
For a brighter future

Looking beyond the sky
In my old days
I saw some shining stars
Crawling in the atmosphere
Appears and disappears quite often
Let me wait till the cloud makes its way
For the little shining stars