
a poem by Neeraj K Raheja

Spaces away, I see shimmering beads of light
Embedded, on the vast palatial dome of the night;
Faces that glitter, objects of eternal wonder,
Are these ‘IT’, to myself, I ponder?.

Spaces away, under the sun’s wrath
I see sparkles of light following a path;
Surface that’s glowing, and continually flowing,
Is this ‘IT’; the excitement is growing.

On it’s face, light does a magical dance
Sets everyone, on a everlasting trance;
Radiant gleam, emanates, like beams in a maze,
Crystal gaze, that sets your dreams ablaze.

The hearts, ‘IT’ embraces, causes them to flutter
The passion, ’IT’ emblazons, causes it to shiver;
The flesh, ‘IT’ graces, causes it to quiver,
The minds, ‘IT’ captures, makes ‘IT’ forever.

For ‘IT’ IS a ‘DIAMOND’, my friend,
Which lasts till, time’s very end;
Called, CARBON in it’s infancy,
‘IT’ is mother nature’s child after a million
years of pregnancy.