With kindness we kill

a poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

We are so kind and refined
can’t stand the sight of animals
having their throats slit, stuck or electrocuted.

We buy meat frozen,
often ready cooked,
packed in such a nice way
that we’re not reminded
that the meat came from
domesticated farm yard animals.

We’re very kind
carry placards around
protesting against cruelty to animals,
even when it’s cold outside
till we get hungry
and go into a café,
with happy cows painted on its walls,
munch hamburgers
while telling amusing tales
about our cats and dogs at home.

Yes, how very kind and humane we are,
want sheep, cattle, chicken and pigs to be happy snug and safe
before we pack ’em off to a hygienic slaughterhouse,
killed, quartered, diced and grounded
into hamburgers and steak
to save our sensitive souls of any lasting distress.