
a poem by Teesha Guliana

The smile on your face,
The curve of your lips,
Those little dimples by the side,
And your dilated pupils.
All the beautiful memories,
Come to a halt,
When the cool breeze,
Comes in for a rush.
It reminds me,
Of your beautiful curly locks,
Entangled between my long fingers,
And yet leave me today,
Stranded on our island of fantasies.

When you rested your head,
At the crook of my neck for comfort,
Believe me darling,
The feeling still leaves me awestruck.

The warmth of my hand,
Under your palms’ comfort,
Remind me of the flames alit,
On the candle melting above.

The late night talks,
The early morning alarms,
The fresh flowers,
The freezing ice cakes,
Are still anew,
Are still fresh,
All seeking for your presence,
To be felt.

You may have left,
Left for heaven above.
But your soul reaches me,
Yet today,
Reminding me,
Of our fantasies,
Of my island,
Built on our memories,
Reaching out to the graveyard,
To bring you back again,
To me.