Ultimately its Virtue

a poem by Shah Pravinchandra Kasturchand

I always shall glue to you;
And Vice,
I have an advice,
To keep me away from you.
I know your rule;
You enter slowly,
And settle unfelt,
As if forever.
And Vice,
You look nice;
You play your mischief,
We fall into disbelief,
“Can this be so?”
We are used by you,
And trapped by you.
You are convinced,
You have won,
We are won.

But O Vice,
You do not know Virtue,
To which I glue.
You are not even a dot
In the cosmos of virtue

And O Virtue,
Your domain spreads
From sky to earth
And beneath the seas.
You are unfelt, invisible,
Unassuming you;
And surely Invincible.
O Vice,
You are a dot;
You are not the lot.
You enter slowly,
And settle as if forever.

But when virtue opens his eyes,
To flames, O vice, you are consigned.
You lose your own game
And only virtue prevails;
From sky to earth,
And seas beneath.
Eternal, universal,
O Virtue,
I call you Ubiquity.

O virtue,
I shall always glue to you.