The malaise of corruption

a poem by Hiren Shah

If there is one crusade that ought to continue without interruption,
It is the current diatribe against corruption

If in democracy there is one major aberration
It is Self Serving Politicians with vested interest perpetuating Corruption

If there is something badly in need of Correction,
It is the spiralling effect of corruption

There is nothing more potent contributing towards Work Ethic Erosion,
Than the malaise set in by Corruption

If there is something in future that can cause widespread unmitigated disruption,
It is the unabated spread of rampant Corruption.

If there is something that shall defy description
It is the consequences of epidemic corruption.

For there is direct regression and Correlation
Between Tension, Depression and Rampant Corruption

There is a possibility of widespread Suppression, Oppression and Repression
For no external threat can match the Anarchy caused by Corruption

If there is something on which there should be continuous debate and Narration’
It is on how to check Corruption

Inaction shall result in something similar to a volcanic Eruption
Caused by Implosion in a society infected with corruption.

Needless to say, it shall become a situation beyond Resurrection