Acting to be Human

a poem by Pipala Dhungana

Unexpected time
The confluence of emotions
Some sweet, some bitter
A life song lived by one’s own life
Severe suffocation, and
With a handful of strong witnesses
People keep smiling
In a circus called society
Establish yourself

Life can rot
Like a corpse in a mortuary
Bitten again and again till surrender
In the maze of the same society
Even then
People keep chanting long live life.
And screams before his own eyes
The mirror a witness
And says

Oh Man, what is stopping you from being you?
Waving from inside the mirror
The answer to the question comes
Oh, Doppelgänger
In this theater, you have to
Act like a human
For many more years.
Oh, Doppelgänger… and staging a drama,
Acting for many more years.