Naughtiest Girl in School

a poem by Sivakami Velliangiri

Stood steadfast as Adelaide
with rule fizzled boys down under?
For girls it was tips of fingers
retracted hastily like a crab’s!

Moaned with Berthela for the moon
with a face like the clock on the
wall? for forty minutes the piano
went down the valley!

Wondered at Valeria the Indian
Anglo care for the creepy-crawlies,
sweeper woman’s daughter? sincerely
securing bread crumbs for sparrows!

Scanned the smile on fair Linda’s
ear to ear? How she had an unholy
uncatholic way with her tables! so
that all donations multiplied.

Roamed behind Raechel? calf sized
mastiff, in gloomy old buildings?
carrying exercise note books she
emerged un-foiled and scathed!

Scented the blush on sweet Cathalene’s
face? How we wondered if she used
coconut shells as cups! eventually
she made it with a Bombayite.

Ovulated with Olive, perfect nun?
travesty on the pleasures of domesticity!
she taught us symbolism, we watched
birds, beasts and flowers play love in general.

Out – blithed Brenda? prim nose
unreadable, taught us
ball dance on wooden planks as
we leaned on imaginary male shoulders!

Dared call Audry ‘odu edi?’
every time she rotated her bust, we watched
the flap of her robe become bloated.

Coaxed Elfreda ever into remembering
hometown? Accumulated bad points
like wet black sands of Cape Comerin, as I
and she became combatant

Fantasied the fall of Xavier? Rotund
down the steps, arms flapping like penguin
fins – and as she pinned the lapel
horns of rhinoceros could have sprouted
on my head