Poems by
Uday Patel


a poem by Uday Patel

A celestial figure with flute on his lips
On bejeweled crown a peacock feather tip
A necklace priceless on a golden garb
The Lord blue black has a magnetic charm

Avatar of Vishnu the God Almighty
Preserver among the holy trinity
Descendant from heaven for emancipation of humanity
For conquest over sinner the evil sovereignty

Krsna beloved revered and immortal
An incarnate enigmatic as earthly mortal
A virgin birth in an ordinary home
The savior arrived to cleanse the Earth impure

Born of Devaki and Vasudeva
Fostered by Yashoda and Nanda
The little cherub as he is known
Full of pranks the vivacious makhan chor

Krisna the 8th avatar mighty demon slayer
Lord almighty with names galore
A charming lover of thousands of maidens
Paramour of Radha a love eternal

Architect of Mahabharat internecine
Epic battle between the might and right
The charioteer of Arjun warrior invincible
Master strategist a karmic preacher

Lord Krisna guide and savior
The blessed one an emancipator
Sro Radhe Gopal professor of love and kindness
The Lord Supreme all pervasive omnipotent

A divine preacher of truth universal
All encompassed in Epic named Gita
The song of the Lord unravels
Existential philosophy and intrigue that entangles

Preserver among the holy trinity
In believers sanctum he resides
A blessing for mind body and soul
A revelation of cosmic maze and sounds

Hare Krsna! Hare Krsna! The hymn to chant
The words that enchant and bless who rant