Poems by
Syethemba_Dizzmar Thwala

Heaven, hear me out please!

a poem by Syethemba_Dizzmar Thwala

I don’t want to keep on crying
And ask myself what are doing
And why you keep on hurting me
Because I can’t fight back

And you won’t even bring them back
Because of you, they lashed out
And left me with thousands of questions
God why are doing this to me
Why do I have to go through these things

Do you feel happy when you see my sorrows?
Firstly, you took my dad from me
When he has planned my tomorrow
Now my life is in dark and now I can’t see
The future in front of me

And to you dad wherever you are
Please know that your words are still playing in my mind
That I have to build you a big house near your kraal
When I finish school and start working
But for now please know that I’m still blind

Because my life is still in the eyes of a world like a rally
But I can vow to you that I will still push
And I will do all in my power to find a way
Of fulfilling the promise I made one day

But Lord what wrong have I really done
You didn’t take dad only but even my mom
And my cousin, and now I can’t even call
Them because they are no longer with me physically
But spiritually they are still with me

Tell them that I miss them
Please deliver my kiss to them
And tell them that I miss them
Even though I’m heart broken
Because you took all my joy

And now I see that I’m talking to myself because you avoid me
I need someone to touch me
Make me not miss them this much
Heaven hear me out please
Before my heart catches flue and freeze