Poems by
Siddhi Malpani

The Whistling Waves

a poem by Siddhi Malpani

What do you think when you see the beach?
‘Endless happiness that we all are bound to reach’
‘Never give up attitude’, said the other.
‘Peace and compose’ murmured someone standing farther.

‘Forgetting the past and starting fresh,
Begin once again to race,
Live every moment like the waves’, whispered the girl.
‘The battle of heart and your mind
Choosing of sides ending at the same point’

Each one of us have our own interpretation,
Guess we all are lost in haze of personal confusions.
May be that’s we all prefer the beach.
Isn’t it strange how some us hate a constant sound,
Yet we love the gushing of waves all around.
That sight when you see orange merging with blue,
Try remembering your doubt; honestly it vanishes without a clue.

The taste of salty water makes us go nuts,
Still we find joy without giving a reason ‘but’.
Little stones and pebbles gives feet small scratch,
But the happiness in collecting sea shells is much above then those small rash.
Weird how we hate mud making dirty all around,
Yet the sands in our pockets reminds us the soft sea ground.

Our slate is filled with words,
Yet when we write on sand it disappears
Irony, isn’t it? We all here to leave imprints,
But those tides wash it away in few sprints.
It’s a message maybe things won’t last,
But hey its true, what’s the point of still living in the past?

Little kids build their huge dream house,
While young adults secretly wish for romantic dates with spouse.
The grandparents sit beside and share their experience.
Just one place and each age has different expectation.
But there is one thing common which we all want to find,
Away from reality, A place just be called ‘mine’.
Even though its filled with tourist and constant buzzing sound,
You will still manage to find calmness in the whistling waves surround.