Poems by
Suboor Usmani

Raining Desires

a poem by Suboor Usmani

The intoxicating winds swept across the dry, parched earth
The dark tempting clouds clustered in the sky once again
As the heavens began to rain ‘fire’ on earth
A thirsty pair of eyes peered across the windowpane, slightly wet

As the clouds shed themselves profusely
The rain drops once again inflamed the smouldering desires
Eager to have your glimpse the eyes decided to wander with the clouds

The eyes impatiently desired you to accompany them
Among the burning drops, across the tempting horizon
On the parched earth which seemed to be satisfied
After quenching its thirst, but what about the eyes

The darkest of the clouds resembled the gush of your tresses
The grey piece of sky appeared like your apparel
The soft sound produced by the falling water
Came as your hushed laughter
The innocent smell issuing from the earth
Reminded me of your unearthly odour
The crystal clear rain drops clinging to the perishable leaves
Shone like your unselfish love

O Eyes! How naive you were I never knew
You searched for someone who’s within you