Poems by
Pawas Bisht

You Laughed

a poem by Pawas Bisht

‘Men are like leeches.
They suck.
With luck,
We’ll drink off others, before they drink off us.’

Uttering this profound truth,
You tittered with glee, you laughed.

‘Misery is omniscient.
It reigns supreme.
It shoots its darts,
With diabolical art.
With luck,
We’ll duck.’

Uttering this profound truth,
You tittered with glee, you laughed.

‘Civilizations end in doom,
Humanity is going to perish.
With luck,
We’ll be the ones on Noah’s ark.’

Uttering this profound truth,
You tittered with glee, you laughed.

Struck by thy equanimity,
Your optimism,
I fall into a reverie.

I wondered aloud,
‘How safe are you really?’

Seeing me alone in foolish concern
You tittered with glee, you laughed.