Poems by
Pavalamani Pragasam

The Rain

a poem by Pavalamani Pragasam

The rain, a harp of million strings,
In different times and in different climes
Plays a tune of different notes-
From a light beat to a full blast:
It’s the sweetest lullaby and the worst nightmare.

A drizzle of tiny wet particles,
Almost a gentle mist floating by
Is cool and caressing,
Soft and soothing
Like a child’s touch.

Secret word in rumbling sound passes around
To gather together the passing clouds-
A sudden summer shower pours
Drenching the trees and gladdening the hearts
In a quick freshening bath.

The monsoon rain is the hope
Of rivers and reservoirs-
It rains cats and dogs in this season
Keeping people indoors in cosy comfort
When the year’s rain harvest goes on ceaselessly.

Cyclones and tempests are the crescendo-
Waves rise to many metres high and torrents
Lash with unexplained wrath and fury
Wreaking havoc, ravaging coasts forever:
No encores, people pray, to this awesome score.