The beauteous belle in full bloomed maidenhood
in finest satin vest of white and gold,
pure crystalline dew drops her face bedight
and fan young rays of golden globe
as spectrummed bands of gorgeous hues
her face towards the sun her father who
had pierced the seed in mother earth’s dark womb
to sprout the plant she is enthroned on.
On morning spring Zephyr’s swells float
the insects’ chirps and avian twitters blithe
sheer bliss of life pervades the air;
amidst this paradise of buoyant cheer
the sunflower’s spirit dips in trough of blues
an aching void in heart she can’t define;
her pleading eyes entreat her sire.
Stirred by her supplication mute, fond parent
aims his darts into the hexagons
of nearby hive to prick a somnolescent bee
who rubs his eyes and crawls into bright shine;
concupiscent bloom to libidinal blossom
the apian Don Huan hops merrily
and lands inside the daughter of the sun;
the pining nymph welcomes her lover with
impassioned embrace, soars to raptures as
he penetrates her, sucks her ;nectar and
implants the pollen in her yearning matrix.
Then off Lothario flies to pastures fresh.
The next day when the sun peeped o’er the eastern rim
the fulfilled mistress wore that shy proud look
and tell-tale glow of fresh expectant mother.