Oh Diamond! Oh Diamond!
The Gem of Gems,
Whose Beauty yet unsurpassed,
Paling into insignificance, forms all other,
Radiating unbounded glitter and glamour.
The very epitome of brilliance, how truly!
Indeed a saga of pristine glory.
Oh Diamond! Oh Diamond!
The Gem of Gems,
Lending pride and joy; dignity and vanity;
Honour and status; envy and security,
Riding high, forever the crest of popularity,
Making sure there is nowhere, nothing more pretty.
Indeed a saga of pristine glory.
Oh Diamond! Oh Diamond!
The Gem of Gems,
Being the most favoured gift for all occasions,
At all times, at all places, for one and all,
Whose power so ravishing to cast a spell,
With a magic touch to bring out one’s best.
Indeed a saga of pristine glory.
Oh Diamond! Oh Diamond!
The Gem of Gems,
With that unrivalled power that defies definition,
And that binding force that compels recognition,
Enough to unite all nationalities and religions,
Castes and creeds, races and generations,
With that overwhelming desire to adorn oneself.
Indeed a saga of pristine glory.
Oh Diamond! Oh Diamond!
The Gem of Gems,
Enchanting and captivating one and all,
Without barriers whatsoever none at all,
Having transcended all limitations of time and space,
Truly blessed with Divine Beauty and Grace.
Indeed a saga of supreme glory.