Poems by
Leleena Subhadarshini

I believe

a poem by Leleena Subhadarshini

As you walked away from my
life breaking the sphere of
my tiny world…
suddenly I feel I lost myself
in the darkness of loneliness,
wandering, no one to lean on
wallowing in self pity
in a state of bewilderment
standing alone in the smoky fog
being frozen obscured by the dark blur
I feel I’m habituated to it
I can’t be myself any more
as I’m surrounded by layers of sorrow
going tough to melt
But somewhere unknowingly
I can smell the taste of freedom
released from all burdens
recovered from all pain
I gather my strength to fly
And I believe I can fly
coz I don’t need you any more
No, I don’t need you any more.