Poems by
Kuljot Tanda

War Victory or Victim

a poem by Kuljot Tanda

Closed arm arrive while birth
Open stretched arm we depart while death
Hundreds die by war from each country
Countless get injured from both the sides

People feel happy in opponents death
Unknowing the fact that death is death
We not only lost their life, their soul
But their health, education, courage and all

Without using their sound body for the country
We’ve lost their education with I.Q and memory
We couldn’t use their courage and ability
We didn’t use their broad-minded capability

Should the head with excess wisdom
Be broken into tiny pieces
Should the healthy stamina body
be fired upon by the neighbor country

Should the bold courageous chest
To all the pistol to pass through
Should the loving affectionate son die sympathetically
Should the justice and honest man be killed unjustly
Are we contented with their heroic sacrifice?

Or do we regret for the destructive edifice?

That finance can be utilized for the maintenance of prosperity.