Poems by
Kelly Shea

I Felt It

a poem by Kelly Shea

I felt it…
Pulling from me your soul…
The one I had come to know as my own…
I felt it cut…
sending an ache through me that still pains…
I felt you leave me.
and there was nothing I could do…
no desperate act I could perform…
and my disparity just push you faster…
my fingertips never felt so numb…
no feeling
no senses…
all gone when you left me…
and oh how I felt it…
with an unwanted clarity…
I knew that I had to relent…
more real to me than reality
and more horrid than any hell…
and it still lingers…
and I still caress you with my thoughts…
and I still wonder where you are…
and I still think about what might have been…
but you’re gone…
and oh god how I feel it.