Poems by
James Louis A

My Childhood

a poem by James Louis A

My childhood days
Forever lays
Within my mind
Though far behind.
The days I spent,
Joys shared and lent
All sorrows swept
Though much I wept.

The innocent
Pure excitement
At even least
Funniest feast.
The books I read
Guided and led.
Thoughts of the games
Played, and their names.

Places I knew
Haunts of a few
Always a view
Of something new.
Loving and loved
Or crying loud
For everything
Least bothering.

No worries known
No problems borne,
Very merry
Not a hurry.
But now, alas!
Cruel time has
Inflicted loss
Without a cause!

People I knew
So lovely too.
The friends I had:
Thoughts make me sad.
Now I’ve many
A company
But I’m alone
Among unknown.

That innocence
Or its essence
That precious care
I lost somewhere.
The days I spend
Do truly tend
To make me mad
Or very sad.

Where are those days
That set ablaze
Both mind and heart
Upon life’s start
With joy and love
So scarce now
That none can find
In heart or mind?

Memories light
Embers in sight
By time smothered
By shroud covered.
Was it a dream?
So it does seem,
All those green glades
Now have dark shades.

Was it a trick
That ended quick
Played by time
On time so prime?
My heart does cry
To time – Don’t fly
Oh! Return back
Childhood I lack!