Poems by
Deeksha Marur

Summer Rains

a poem by Deeksha Marur

Rain falling on the muddy roads
The lights are out
Winds blowing through the window
The feeling is so blissful
The surrounding is so full of serenity
Peace in the minds of the people who awaited the showers

Refreshing and blissful this is a treat
A difference in weather from the summer heat
The smell of the coalition of the water with the mud
The grey clouds in the sky hiding the sun from coming out
The lightening seen in the skies
The thunder that can be heard
A sign for more showers
The summer rains

The sight of the dewdrops over the leaves
The smell of the leftovers of the showers
The want for more
The thirst for more by the plants and crops
The birds fly back to their homes
The sight of the caterpillars and insects crawling back onto the grass
All these sights a sign of by the gone summer rains