Poems by
Charishma Jaikishin Ramchandani

Seven of Wands

a poem by Charishma Jaikishin Ramchandani

Seven of Wands (A Minor Arcana Tarot Card of being spurred by competition)

Breathing hard determined to defend
Atop the hill I stood, a strong and brave man
Holding my staff tightly clenched in both hands
Secretly wishing for the flash, of a fairy’s magic wand!

Facing a lot of competition head-on
My days of peace into the oblivion have gone
A horrible hour brought this rough time in my life
My soulmate’s love gives me the strength to strife!

Waiting for the right moment to strike
Adrenaline gushes through my blood, I feel like an apple red ripe
My inner strength and stamina now fully charged
Power-packed, waiting to hit hard!

When the going gets tough, the tough get going
I feel the magnificent power these words do bring
Mental and physical work pressures escalate high
Oh how I now long for a chocolate chip pie!

God helps those who help themselves
Within each of us, resides a magic elf
Awaken him, then see the fun
Your power will shine, just like the sun!

Full of strength I stand tall
As threatening enemies around me now crawl
Beaten and retreating from the mountain top
Their evil intentions my strong will did chop!

My talents wisely and foresight I did use
To knock off the obstacles in my path profuse
The red banner of celebration in my heart flies high
As one by one, my six enemies, slowly slip by!