
a poem by Jayati

and moneyed mentors
Godfather’s pride, the predators hide,
walk free, terribly hungry through rooted
mahogany trunks and shimmering green. Branch brown
emerald jade crown. Can this dense cover shelter the wild?
Illegal pipsqueak never hesitate to fill their pouch
Imagining themselves kangaroos, carry weapon as babies.
Make a kill, devilish will, Satanic evil strike, powerful; Wish fulfil.
The incognito kingpin who inveigle. Shoot and fire loot the invaluable
Monkey business intractable. Tiger skins rhinoceros horns, smuggle.
Sell, paltry but get nabbed trying a double cross diabolical-
Ring the bell network alert. Bail
him out, free him SoftArt. The danger stays
we’ll get exposed. After all duty comes first.
Do not underestimate, we have our good excuse-
To catch or free the hunter we need proofs.
Forensic tests clever device, sure the shark’s days
are numbered. Wait a minute, the man a poacher, a killer?
He is innocent how does he wear his guilt? The skin found
In his custody is but that of donkey’s
Tiger stripes painted on hide, bamboo shoots powdered
To fool the school of medical experts who need
These imports and cannot make out the differences?
Extra large irksome
conniving racketeers;
Easily free the imprisoned;
Expensive fees to the lawyers;
Moral Science Mawkish; No; Please-
Hand in gloves, tongue in cheek, simply dextrous,
“Sheriff we’re helpless and must let the lasso loose-
legally they deal in donkey skin, and that’s not a sin,” in muse.
The public a good feed on grass, smoky eyed search for a pH balance.
Swift exchange under forensic farce? Brutal, return back to high class.
Good looks and lots of cash, wine, women corruption. See men?
Speak, buy, algebra quite easily done, released from lock ups!
Punishment escaped? Prison terms? Oh no! Don’t be ridiculous.
Endangered wildlife in their own domicile.
Ecology try hard to preserve but for the sporting
dedicated die-hard killers. The poor animals.