Diamonds…that’s what they call me
Once there I was, buried deep inside a mine
Sandwiched between rocks and coal
And with a dream within my heart…
to be discovered, to be polished, to be pampered.
To be looked upon with envy.
And talked about with pride
I was stuck there for ages
Until one day, I found my way out
Finally sunlight touched my body
And reflected colours…colours of freedom
Oh…how happy I was
Now I’ll mend hearts and spread love, I thought
I was groomed, Polished and shaped
y happiness knew no bounds
I looked forward to a life
that’ll place me in limelight
But to my surprise
I was caught between hatred and jealousy
A measurement of love, I turned out to be
Fear loomed around the neck I adorned
Greed followed me
Sweat washed me. Blood flowed for me
And there I was back, trapped in a locker
Dark and dreadful
To a state from where I started.