
a poem by Christuraj Alex

A movable or immovable barrier,
That functions as an entrance-exit carrier;
If, thus, easily the door concept is defined,
We may be, to peripheral spaces, confined…

Do we reflect that the door in its sphere includes,
Dramas of the woods with many plots and preludes;
That contain cradles for the newborns to roll on,
And coffins of the dead their remains to hold on…

Can’t you write volumes on the words: open the door?
Of a child, youth, old, well, ill, or any other?
Don’t doors show the moods of humans who open them?
Happy door, sad door, calm door, angry-door-mayhem…

Like – I am the door; He is near right at the door,
The doors will be shut; God will open up… a door,
Close your doors and pray; Jesus at the door with a smile,
Doors opened, closed! How many doors in the Bible!

Doors can be made with twenty-four-carat gold gird,
What difference does it make to a frail caged bird?
Few words of hope I convey to the prisoners,
Amidst iron doors wipe the stigma of sinners…

Don’t the homeless in the streets sleep so peacefully?
Even with hundred locks don’t some fear fatefully?
There were societies never used doors and locks,
With many hardest locks, our lives are full of mocks.

Above all, doors within, are made to heed voices,
Of the oppressed and the depressed and the voiceless;
Do we shut our inner selves forever indoors,
Or do we feel, free, to open for them our doors?