The sky is clear Blue
Over the Sea, Waves quiet,
Shallow not, the sun hot not at noon then,
Resorting to the tower for shadow
The waves hit at the fort walls
Preaching dreams, pondering deeply
Wavy at the fort wall.
Way clear, side the shadows thoughtful
Wandering over time,
Men in their territory.
As the sea reflects the sky
The men over the soil
All entombing spiritually,
The Gospel of good news
Stands towering forgetting not in forgiveness
More to say welcoming good will
The Lord reminds the same again
Alive, as I see in the church over seeing the sea
The holy heart too alive and near
The sky is Blue everywhere
The Flag of the ship shows
The direction of wind
The wind too shows me the time.
Wind cooler the sun passing by
States delighted in time to come
Men are thoughtful
Forgetting not the speck in nature.
The sky is deep blue
Men delighted reflecting
As really not down in the sky
Though stars twinkle,
Thoughtful the men of earth
Though all descended
Heavy in the heart the ascending race
Human, looks around the sea too
For all good the earth contained
Not one many the seas,
Is the sea a salt bridge
Touching shores.
The waves are foamy,
In settling bubbles
I sea a wider spectrum
In each bubble.
Growing alive deep in the sea
Yes, fishes swim an unending delight
As it knows life better
Thoughtful again at the merging horizon
Or a mere reflection.
The frog an amphibian
And both sky and sea are blue
Rare a rainbow spectre of the clouds
Trying to encircle the earth.
The cloud heavy spells the rain,
The clouds dark rainbow faded.