Poems published in June 2020


a poem by Swarit Verma

2020 is the darkest year in my life
An year which faced corona locust and many hazards
Some days before we lost a mother elephant
Is humanity really at end?
Earthquakes and storm have shaken the world
Monsoon is on its highest destructive level
Locust attack is on red alert
Indo-China have feared the world
And Corona is an ultimate problem
Only six months have left
God knows what the upcoming problem
Will everything get over?
These questions are shaking my head
All we can do can be patient and pray
And follow the instructions.
But whosoever read this poem in the future
Will get to know about the hazardous, dangerous year
The future will read it in 2030,2040,2050
But they will get to know about hatest 2020