Still waiting…

a poem by Sidharth Kumar

She left a note for me
To meet at 4 pm sharp, Tuesday
Under the famous Elm tree
In the North Street Park
And I dressed in the best attire
To meet the one I have always adored
This hurriedness for that special
Some important confession
Probably lined up before me
Knew this was the right time
Am making it today
Can’t curb this excitement
It’s gonna be a merry affair
A clandestine meeting
Adrenaline shooting within
Finally have reached the spot dear
Me and retentions of you
With a bunch of primroses in hand
Seated on the iron bench
Elm tree, a beauty in itself
It too needs admiration
But will soon envy
My first and last choice
Being the lovers point
It’s already greeted by male visitors before me
Waiting anxiously
Some speaking to themselves
Some grinning with amusement
Some looking up at the sky
Some taking a surreptitious glance at their watches
Some diving into a stroll
An elderly couple reading my mind closely
And smiling at my innocence
Time and tide wait for none

It’s 4:45 by clock
Me getting apprehensive
Move on here and there
Male community decreasing in numbers
With couples exiting the scene
Heart consoling mind
That she might be stuck in traffic
I can still wait
An ice-cream vendor nearby
Hadn’t eaten my lunch properly
Feeling bit hungry in stomach
No thou shall wait
Let me postpone the crave

Clock strikes 6:30
No sign of her
Me scratching head
Getting disappointed
This ain’t fair on her part
Make me feel miserable
That everything is fair in love and war looks unjustified
Park getting deserted
Its supper time
Elders saying son, go back now
She won’t come
But I still believe her
She would be here any moment
Just any moment
Have to be here else she’ll keep searching and looking around for me

9:10 with 53 seconds passed
Thoughts are getting darker
Roses have dried up
Losing their moistness, their freshness
As if they always wanted this to happen
Me a stand-alone figure in the middle of nowhere
Optimism has begun to fade in
Love doesn’t show up
Streets lamps are on their shoes
Getting harder controlling emotions
And cry of soul to see her
Where is she?
Why is she doing this?
What to do?
Contemplating mind on its hunt
Seems it has slept waiting, the stupid brain

11 to the dot
It’s began to pour in
Raining cats and dogs
Water water everywhere
Rain god, please don’t drain my immense faith for her
Still can’t believe she couldn’t make it
Am I an intelligent fool still waiting for her
Me drenched and soaked with the Elm tree
Have been standing erect now since 2 hours with head down
Unmoved but shaken deeply

It’s an old tale now
Nearly 5 years to add on
Time elapsed several chapters of my life
But I have kept my promise
Coming every Tuesday
Dressed like a romeo
With those old roses
Symbolic of you
Nothing changed
Not me, not the Elm tree nor the fervor
But only you
Still waiting under the Elm tree
Hoping someday she would be here
My eyes dying to catch your glimpse
To reach within your sight