Radiant Love

a poem by Rinu M Varghese

Why does it hurt so much;
when I agreed to you leaving me?
Why do I feel like this;
as if my very core is cracking up?
Why does life seem so vain;
like I have lost my purpose?
I know now how big a lie it was,
saying that I did not love you.

Why are my days filled with gloom;
as though the sun has refused to shine?
Why is night-time such a torture;
and sleep denying any solace?
Why does each second seem so futile;
without your radiant presence?
I know now how big a lie it was,
saying that I did not love you.

Why does it seem to me;
like fate has pelted my soul with knives?
Why such a brutal pain;
as if my heart is bleeding away?
Why do thoughts do nothing;
but increase tears bearing your name?
I know now how big a lie it was,
saying that I did not love you.

Why do I see you appear;
every time I close my eyes?
Why does your smile torment me;
at each single breath I draw?
Why do I feel so dead inside;
like having fallen into an eternal pit?
I know now how big a lie it was,
saying that I did not love you.