Screaming innocence, weeping motherhood
Barking barbarians, dying humanity
Oh Lord! Break your silence
Demolish the pyramid of blind faith
Destruct the world with gigantic waves
Let the sun rays never touch the earth
Moonlit night, dazzling stars
Roaring waves, blasting sound
Pale eyes, colorless dreams
Oh Lord! Let’s finish all the lessons
Sunny Morning , singing birds
Stepping to the world of wisdom
Gathering to celebrate a day
Beautiful sights, but suspicious clouds
Setting Sun in the middle of the day
Oh Lord! Unborn dreams , unread letters
Everything we left while dreaming
Everything we left while reading
Everything we left while sharing
Courageous numpty armed, exploding themselves
Ruin the entire world with the gun of shattered thoughts
Bloodstained footsteps, cluttered classrooms
And cut down budding innocent smiles
It was the heaven where we lived with beloved parents
It was the heaven where we were with our masters
It was the heaven where we spent precious moments with kinship
It was the heaven where we could meet illustrious people
Oh Lord! Please don’t give us a second birth
Since You made us helpless creatures
Please don’t give them a second chance
Since You made them merciless creatures
Oh Lord! Flying to the empty space ,
Hoping to the world of peace
Kissing the womb of mother,
Hoping she gets the warmth