The Prayer

a poem by Kamar Sultana Sheik

When the stinging ant turned your tender skin red,
And you did not squash it dead-
When you set that unfortunate fly free,
Struggling in your cup of morning tea.

When you patted a stray dog’s head
When he was lonely, his honest eyes said.
When you let that baby mouse secretly eat,
The remaining half of your favourite sweetmeat.

When with your first morsel you feed,
The tiny bird in search of seed-
When the struggling sproutling, you planted firm,
Your spade prevented from cutting that wriggling worm.

When somebody’s mother, you helped the highway cross,
When your eye watered at an unknown’s loss-
The silent wish for his welfare made,
One, who for you, hurdles laid.

The precious minute spent beside,
An ailing soul’s bedside-
The special second stood by,
One departing, silently saying a last good-bye.

More holy than the verses you utter
Than all the beads you recite, far better-
In little things lies the biggest Test
If you can stand that, you Pray the best!!!