The Silence of Wilderness

a poem by Remigius de Souza

They nourish my body and mind and soul
and inspire me for time indefinite.
Lonely in the hay-field heat they offer
me immense comfort and solace in silence.

By their action in silence they restore
my faith and courage, and never ever
look back whenever I reach back again
abandoned: They remain my kith and kin.

They share with all, endlessly in silence,
to the health, learning, work and leisure of all,
never complain of many deadly assaults,
never keep any account books for recovery.

They’re faith and salvation personified,
the healer, helper and guide in my needs,
they work, rest, sing, and suffer in silence:
The seeds of silent wisdom that return manifold.

The silence of wilderness in the civilised world
on fast track, who’d ever notice them by turning
a blind eye, except for their sensual pleasures,
or the exotic decorations for their inflated ego?