Like a grey alluring cloud that descends from the
heavens above and block the sultry sun,
You arrived into my life, unannounced.
Your presence has brought with it the fragrance
that envigorates me,
Your touch has brought to life the desires,
hidden and unapproachable once.
Finally I could feel the soothing mist,
enveloping me and permeating every pore of mine,
liberating me from the heat that was trapped inside.
That wanton fire inside me
has turned into a radiant beam of light quite close to my heart.
Along with your unending gaze it guides me and tempts me;
To explore the territories unchartered,
To realize the dreams unfulfilled…
I only hope that whenever it dims,
The luminosity in your eyes won’t fail me.
Whenever it flickers, you will be there to
rekindle it once again.
I only hope that you’ll be there with me,
to impart a totality to my present
And a verve to witness the future.